İngilizce Sohbet Soruları - Okul
Are you allowed to eat in the classrooms?
Did you belong to any clubs in high school?
Did you go to a public high school or a private one?What are the advantages of each type of school?
Which type of school did you want to go to?
Did you have to wear a uniform in high school? How about elementary school?
Lisede ünüforma giymek zorunda mısın? Ya ilkokulda?
Did your high school have a band?If so, did you play in it?
What instrument would you like to play in a high school band? Why?
Do most of your teachers take attendance?
Do some of your teachers let class out early?
What do you think when the teacher lets the class out early?
Do you carry a dictionary to your English classes?
Do you have an electronic ditionary?
Can you and do you access your cellphone dictionary to find the meaning of a word?
Do you enjoy studying English?Math?
Do you ever skip class?
Do you have any evening classes?
Do you play on any of the school's sports teams?
Do you still keep in touch with your best friend in elementary school?
Have you ever been absent?
Have you ever been late for class?If so, why?
Did the teacher get angry?
Have you ever failed a class? (Maybe this is not polite to ask.)
Have you ever slept in class?
How many times have you been absent from school this year?
Was your high school strict?
What do you like best about your school?
What do you like the least about your school?
What do you think about your English class? Your gym class?
İngilizce dersin için ne düşünüyorsun? Spor dersin için?
What is your best memory from junior high school?How about high school?
What's your worst memory?
What school did you graduate from? What high school? What junior high school?
Hangi okuldan mezun oldun? Hangi liseden? Hangi orta okuldan?
What was the name of your junior high school?
What were some of the rules you had to follow at your high school?Which rules did you think were unfair?
Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules?
Were you allowed to smoke on campus?
How many times a week does the class meet?
What did you find the most surprising thing about the school system in the United States?
What are the major characteristics you think a teacher should have?
Which subjects do you think are not useful or needed anymore?
Sınıfta yemek yemene izin verilir mi?
Are you allowed to smoke in the classrooms?
Sınıfta sigara içmene izin verilir mi
Did you belong to any clubs in high school?
Lisede herhangi bir kulübe üye misin?
Did you go to a public high school or a private one?What are the advantages of each type of school?
Devlet okuluna mı özel okula mı gidiyorsun? Her iki okul türünün avantajları neler?
Which type of school did you want to go to?
Hangi tür okula gitmek istersin?
Did you have to wear a uniform in high school? How about elementary school?
Lisede ünüforma giymek zorunda mısın? Ya ilkokulda?
Did you study art in high school?
Lisede resim dersi gördün mü?
Did your high school have a band?If so, did you play in it?
Lisede bir müzik gurubunuz var mıydı? Varsa sen çaldın mı?
What instrument would you like to play in a high school band? Why?
Bir lise grubunda hangi entrümanı çalmak istersin?
Do most of your teachers take attendance?
Öğretmenlerin çoğu yoklama alıyor mu?
Do some of your teachers let class out early?
Bazı öğretmenler erken çıkmanıza izin veriyor mu?
What do you think when the teacher lets the class out early?
Öğretmen erken çıkmanıza izin verdiğinde ne düşünürün?
Do you carry a dictionary to your English classes?
İngilizce dersi için sözlük taşıyor musun?
Do you have an electronic ditionary?
Bir elektronik sözlüğün var mı?
Can you and do you access your cellphone dictionary to find the meaning of a word?
Bir sözcüğe bakmak için cep telefonu kullanabilir misin?
Do you enjoy studying English?Math?
İngilizce öğrenmeyi seviyor musun ? Matematik?
Do you ever skip class?
Hiç sınıf atladın mı?
Do you have any evening classes?
Hiç akşam dersin var mı?
Do you play on any of the school's sports teams?
Herhangi bir okul spor takımında oynuyor musun?
Do you still keep in touch with your best friend in elementary school?
İlk okul arkadaşalarınla görüşüyor musun?
Have you ever been absent?
Hiç yok yazıldın mı?
Have you ever been late for class?If so, why?
Hiç sınıfa geç kaldın mı? Öyleyse neden?
When was the last time?
En son ne zaman?
Did the teacher get angry?
Öğretmen kızdı mı?
Have you ever failed a class? (Maybe this is not polite to ask.)
Hiç sınıfta kaldın mı?
Have you ever slept in class?
Hiç sınıfta uyudun mu?
How do you get to school?
Okula nasıl gelirsin?
How long does it take you to get to school?
Okula gitmen ne kadar sürüyor?
How many times have you been absent from school this year?
Bu sene ne kadar devamsızlığın var?
How much homework do you do every day?
Her gün ne kadar ödev yapıyorsun?
Was your high school strict?
Lisen sıkı mıydı?
What classes do you not like? Why don't you like them?
Hangi dersleri sevmiyorsun neden?
Hangi dersleri sevmiyorsun neden?
What did you like best about high school?
Lisede en çok neyi seviyordun?
What do you like best about your school?
Okulda en çok neyi seviyorsun?
What do you like the least about your school?
Okulda en az neyi seviyorsun?
What do you think about your English class? Your gym class?
İngilizce dersin için ne düşünüyorsun? Spor dersin için?
What do you think of your cafeteria?
Kantin hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
Kantin hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
What do you think of this campus?
Kampüs hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
Kampüs hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
What do you want to do after you graduate?
Mezun olduktan sonra ne yapmak istersin?
What is your best memory from junior high school?How about high school?
What's your worst memory?
Orta okuldaki en iyi anın nedir? Lisede? En kötü anın nedir ?
What school did you graduate from? What high school? What junior high school?
Hangi okuldan mezun oldun? Hangi liseden? Hangi orta okuldan?
What time does your first class begin on Tuesday?
Salı günü ilk dersin ne zaman başlıyor?
What was the name of your junior high school?
Orta okulunun adı neydi?
What were some of the rules you had to follow at your high school?Which rules did you think were unfair?
Lisede uyman gereken kurallar nelerdi? Hangi kuralların adil olmadığını düşünüyorsun?
Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules?
Okul kurallarını çiğnerken yaklandın mı?
Were you allowed to smoke on campus?
Kampüste sigara içmene izin verilir mi?
How many times a week does the class meet?
Haftada kaç saat dersin var?
Which subjects are you good at? (What are your strong subjects?)
Hangi derslerde iyisin?
Which subjects are you poor at? (Which subjects are difficult for you?)
Hangi derslerde zayıfsın?
Hangi derslerde zayıfsın?
Who is your favorite teacher?What course does he or she teach?
Favori öğretmenin kim? Hangi dersi veriyor?
Favori öğretmenin kim? Hangi dersi veriyor?
Why do you like him or her?
Onu neden seviyorsun?
What did you find the most surprising thing about the school system in the United States?
Amerika'daki okul sisteminde sence en şaşırtıcı şey ne?
What are the major characteristics you think a teacher should have?
Bir öğretmenin hangi karakteristik özellikleri olmalı?
Who do you like to sit with in your classroom?
Okulda kimle oturmak istersin?
Okulda kimle oturmak istersin?
Do you like to be taught by a male or female teacher?
Erkek mi kadın öğretmen mi istersin?
Which subjects do you think are not useful or needed anymore?
Hangi derslerin artık gereksiz olduğunu düşünüyorsun?