Gramer - Contractions (Kısaltmalar)


Contracted forms 1 - verbs

Contracted forms 2 - verbs

Contracted forms 3 - verbs

Contracted forms 4 - verbs

Contracted forms 5 - verbs

Contracted forms 6 - verbs

Contracted forms 7 - verbs

Make affirmative contractions

Make negative contractions

Using apostrophes - exercises

Is / has - apostrophes

Type the contraction - questions

Contractions - treasure chest

Audio practice - click next

Apostrophes - contractions

Apostrophe 's - quiz

Make negative contractions 2

Affirmative or negative contractions

Affirmative & negative contractions

Apostrophes - English exercises

Apostrophes - retype sentences

Type the contracted form

Contractions - find pairs

Contractions - matching pairs

Apostrophes for contractions

Contractions exercises

Apostrophe quiz - exercises

It's / its - exercises